A Guide to Settling into Your Melissa Home

By Mark Simonsmarksimons@localigraf.com

By Mark Simons


If you’re just moving into your new Melissa home, or you and your family are planning to

move here soon, it’s important to find your footing and know your way around. The

following resources from Virtual Business Solutions Real Estate will help make the

transition to life on the island just a little bit easier for your family, your business, and

even your pets!

Take Care of the Basics First

Health and Happiness for Your People and Your Pets

Shortcuts for Small Business & the Self-Employed 

Life in Melissa can be a respite from the hustle and bustle of the city, and we know you’re anxious and excited to get to know your area. Hopefully, these resources will help you and your family get settled in a little quicker so you can start adventuring and enjoy everything your new city has to offer!


Resources for Common Home Problems and How to Fix Them


How to Not Quit