Upcoming Class: Financial Planning for Your Future!

UPCOMING CLASS: Financial Planning for Your Future with Financial Planner of A. Box Financial, Annetta Taylor!
April 25th, 2018, 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM

If you are wondering how you can save for your future with a commission based income then this is the class for you! Join us as we learn budgeting tips and strategies directly from Financial Planner Annetta Taylor on how to use commission payments to your advantage in order to prepare for the future, for taxes and for growing your business! 

  • Building your business with a commission based paycheck
  • Tips to budgeting when each paycheck is different
  • How to use commission payments to your advantage
  • Strategies to maximize commissions for your future, for taxes and for your now

There will also be a Q&A session, and our instructor will be happy to answer any questions you may have. Time will be left after class to pull Annetta aside for anyone needing one on one consulting!

We hope to see you all at this very informative event! 


JOIN US: List 2 Last at the House of Blues on May 23rd


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