Q & A: How Can I Create Killer Landing Pages?

Real Estate Virtual Assistant | Tiffany Haynes | VBS Real Estate | Transaction Coordinator | Listing Coordinator | Marketing | Texas | Dallas | Houston

By Careybot for Inman

Creating killer real estate landing pages is a lot easier than you might think.

Pairing effective lead capture with a well-planned marketing funnel helps real estate agents take back control of their lead generation.

1. Keep it simple

Real estate landing pages don’t need to be complicated. In fact, they tend to capture leads more effectively when they provide visitors with a simple, to-the-point experience.

While it might seem strange at first to leave your landing page relatively bare, remember that less really is more when it comes to landing-page design.

2. Sell the value of signing up

If you don’t sell your visitors on the value of providing you with their information, your lead generation capabilities will suffer.

While you do want to avoid clutter and an overly wordy sales pitch, you don’t want to ignore the fact that your visitors need a reason to give you their information.

Offering free market information, homebuyer tips or similar lead magnets will give visitors a good reason to complete your capture form.

3. Create mobile-friendly pages

According to SimilarWeb’s report on the state of mobile web usage, mobile devices accounted for approximately 56 percent of consumer traffic to leading U.S.-based websites in 2015.

In 2017 and beyond, there’s little doubt that mobile browsing will continue to grow in popularity.

Knowing this, you need to do everything in your power to ensure that your mobile users are presented with a clean, responsive design interface on all of your pages.

4. Remove navigation links

If your real estate landing pages contain links to other parts of your website, you’re not doing yourself any favors.

Removing these links is one of the best practices to improve your lead generation chances.

5. Don’t stop at one

Of all the landing page tips for real estate agents, this is probably the most powerful one: Too many agents limit themselves to one website and one landing page, and they miss out on valuable leads as a result.

You, too, might be limiting your lead generation potential significantly if you only have a single real estate landing page. With multiple, you can target different types of prospects more effectively and increase your capture and conversion rates. 


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