Tip of the Week: Time is of the Essence

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How To Convert Your Real Estate Leads

By Ani Stepanian

Real estate leads are among the most difficult yet rewarding online leads you can work with. On the one hand, getting random strangers to trust you with assisting in buying/selling their homes is one of the most difficult things you can do as an agent. On the other hand, finding one good lead that closes a deal has the potential to pay for itself tenfold. The focus of this article is real estate, but this technique can be applied to any type of web lead you’re working with.

1. Time is of the essence.

You should reach out to your online lead within the first few minutes of getting your lead alert. You’re 80% more likely to make contact with a lead if you reach out to them immediately. That number drops to about 20-35% if you wait over 30 minutes to reach out to your lead. Always be of the mindset that you’re not the only product/brand/agent this lead is researching and if you don’t reach them first, somebody else will.



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